The story of OmTarooz is the story of balance.  It’s a story about therapy, perseverance, positivity, and opportunity.

Balance is our inherent kinesthetic awareness. Balance is control. But it’s not just a “use it or lose it” kind of thing. I know, because I lost my balance suddenly and permanently after being diagnosed with Vestibular Migraine Disorder*, a severe balance disorder coupled with Tinnitus and brain fog.  (*learn more at

Suffering the loss of my physical balance also caused the loss of my emotional balance, and suddenly it felt like everything was out of sync. As a disorder without a cure or many effective treatments, I turned to my own therapy: jewelry making.

OmTarooz is the crossroads of my physical therapy, love of fashion, recycling/repurposing, and desire to contribute towards awareness and a cure for Vestibular Disorders. A portion of all sales are donated to the VeDA Organization

All OmTarooz handcrafted designs are made of recycled glass beads.  Many pieces are accented with gemstones and various beads re-purposed from my own personal jewelry collection curated from over 40 years of global travel.  They convey the beauty of my Venezuelan and Caribbean culture.

My hope is that, in addition to enjoying the jewelry for its beauty, wearing my pieces will serve as a gentle reminder to seek a happy and healthy balance in your own life.

About ME, Maria Eugenia.

Maria’s artistic expression was first made through dance, as a classically trained dancer who performed until her twenties. She comes from an artistic family and was immersed in floral design and the culinary arts with her grandmother’s business, in Caracas, Venezuela.

Although disabled and unable to continue her career in accounting, she continues to devote her time to OmTarooz, her two dogs, Layla and Molly, and her loving family including her husband, two children and their amazing spouses.